Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Meatless Monday: Roasted Veggie Wraps with Smoky Paprika

I love roasted vegetables. I've prepared them many times, and they are one of my favorite healthy meals.

This recipe is very adaptable: you can vary the vegetables depending on whatever is in season or in your refrigerator. I am not posting exact measurements because things vary depending depending on individual preferences and the amounts of veggies that you end up using.

Roast Veggie Wraps:

1. Select at least three types of vegetables. Try to choose a variety of colors,textures, and flavors. Today I used three red peppers cut into strips, three zucchini cut into eights lengthwise, and two red onions sliced into rings. I've also used eggplant, garlic, tomatoes, carrots, and mushrooms.

2. Put the veggies in a large bowl, add some olive oil (not much is needed, probably a tablespoon,) and Balsamic Vinegar. Sprinkle the top with Smoky Paprika. This is the secret ingredient! The smoky paprika and the balsamic vinegar blend together and add a wonderful sweet smoky flavor to the vegetables. Stir and let the veggies rest for up to two hours at room temperature. Stir several times.

3. Bake in a 350 degree oven until the vegetables are soft and the onions are slightly caramelized.

4. Spread low fat mayo on a warmed tortilla, add veggies and a small amount of some type of cheese. I've used lowfat swiss and cheddar, but my favorite is feta. I like the strong flavor. I limit my portion sizes of this cheese because of the sodium. All cheese have some sodium, but I think feta has more than most.)

I've also had yummy roasted veggie sandwiches prepared on a nice roll. My mom knows I enjoy them and has made them for special occasions. I like eggplant, mushrooms, onions and tomato combinations. (family members at home don't care for eggplant or mushrooms. I have a hard time understanding this, but I am tolerant since they eat a lot of other veggies.)

The flavors of the veggies, balsalmic vinegar, onion, and smoky paprika are delightful and quite satisfying.

1 comment:

DarcyLee said...

This recipe sounds very, very yummy! I'll be trying it. We love roasted veggies at our house.